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Guidance and Advice

  • The United Kingdom CDC provides guidance to investors on topics such as business integrity, job protection, customer protection.
  • COVID-19 critical supplies: the manufacturing repurposing challenge “As the global COVID-19 emergency continues to unfold, one urgent problem is the shortage of critical supplies such as masks, ventilator, and test kits for both the healthcare sector and the wider population. Policymakers are calling for firms across manufacturing sectors to temporarily repurpose their production in order to increase global production capacity. Building on a recent study, this article reviews some of the key manufacturing challenges involved in repurposing and discusses potential ways to mitigate them.”
  • How are companies responding to the coronavirus crisis? The World Economic Forum provides examples of how organizations globally are tackling the pandemic
  • Managing a manufacturing plant through the coronavirus crisis Three areas of focus can help plant leaders navigate the transition from initial crisis response to the “next to normal”:
    • Protect the workforce: Formalize and standardize operating procedures, processes, and tools that help keep staff safe. Build workforce confidence through effective, two-way communication that responds to employees’ concerns through flexible adaptation.
    • Manage risks to ensure business continuity: Anticipate potential changes and model the way the plant should react well ahead of the fluctuations to enable rapid, fact-based actions.
    • Drive productivity at a distance: Continue to effectively manage performance at the plant while physical distancing and remote working policies remain in place.
  • A leader’s guide: Communicating with teams, stakeholders, and communities during COVID-19 “So we counsel this: pause, take a breath. The good news is that the fundamental tools of effective communication still work. Define and point to long-term goals, listen to and understand your stakeholders, and create openings for dialogue. Be proactive. But don’t stop there. In this crisis, leaders can draw on a wealth of research, precedent, and experience to build organizational resilience through an extended period of uncertainty, and even turn a crisis into a catalyst for positive change.”
  • Workforce Principles for the COVID-19 Pandemic Stakeholder Capitalism in a Time of Crisis “These guiding principles and the four workforce management imperatives outlined in this document are a preliminary response to the unfolding crisis. They are intended to serve as a tool for Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) and other business leaders. While businesses may need to adjust measures according to different policy environments, the concept of stakeholder capitalism can provide a framework for a responsible course of action at this pivotal moment. “
  • INTERIM ADVICE FOR IFC CLIENTS ON PREVENTING AND MANAGING HEALTH RISKS OF COVID-19 IN THE WORKPLACE “The main objective of this Interim Advice document is to collate and provide publicly available advice from internationally recognized sources to help IFC clients rapidly identify measures for preventing and managing outbreaks of COVID-19 in the workplace and for responding to community COVID-19 infection.


  • Gerber PPE Taskforce avails a wealth of resources to support manufacturers in switching to PPE production The Gerber resource center provides production-ready materials ( cut files, tech specs) guide for identifying feasible PPE products based on existing manufacturing lines a PPE matchmaking program and other useful resources ( raw material suppliers, industry organizations
  • IFC PPE Calculator: The IFC provides a tool to help manufacturers determine investment and working capital requirements to repurpose production


