PVH‘‘We are targeting East Africa to represent in five years 25% of our production. To put that into perspective Asia, led by China, Bangladesh and India, represent about 75% of our production today. We would like to diversify that and move a third of that production overtime into East Africa, and really use that as a base. We believe it will give us a competitive advantage if it is built appropriately; it will give us speed to market capability that doesn’t exist in Asia today.”

Manny Chirico, the CEO of PVH, in an interview with CNN, Marketplace Africa







epic“We firmly believe that Ethiopia has all the ingredients to be a future star in the apparel supply chain. The Hawassa Industrial Park in collaboration with Phillip Van Heusen has been planned very meticulously and we are immensely grateful to all involved.  We look forward to Ethiopia being our newest hub and it will be our endeavor to set up a world class manufacturing organization while creating employment for thousands of people. We thank the Ethiopian government for all their efforts.”

Ranjan Mahtani, Chairman & CEO, EPIC GROUP



“we Operate in Different Economies all over the world, but we have never seen such a committed government led by committed 24/7. We endorse to potential Investors to take all advantage by Investing in the most Promising Country in the World -ETHIOPIA”


orchidMs. Akiko Seyoum


Orchid Business group PLC   

"I recognize the efforts made in improving the laws and regulations as well as in creating investment infrastructure, such as the industrial parks. The EIC has to continue with innovations on other fronts."


tal apparel“Ethiopia Is the Most Untapped Market in the World that any Potential Investor can't afford to ignore it”

Mr. Victor Sze

Co – Managing Director

TAL Apparel

“We begin a new chapter in TAL’s 70-year history by operating our first Garment Manufacturing factory in Africa.  We strongly believe in the future success of Ethiopia and Ethiopia’s determination to be the leading Apparel exporter in Africa.  We look forward to our continual partnership with the government and related organizations to make Ethiopia a major hub for the world’s apparel industry.”

Roger Lee, CEO of TAL Apparel