IPDC and EIC meetingA joint discussion meeting between EIC and IPDC held today. The two institutions held a brief talk in regards with increasing the quality and services of industry parks, increasing FDI, creating more job opportunities and improving a wider range of promotion worldwide. The senior Mgt of both institutions also gave brief to stakeholders to work in more cooperation and unity to raise the standard of the investment sector nationally.

Source: EIC PR Directorate

investment promotionAn Investment promotion Workshop aiming to present potential investment opportunities of the seven recently developed industrial parks & potential regions to key partners is being held with the presence of higher officials.

Source: EIC PR Directorate

Thailand Ambassador meetingThailand’s Ambassador to Ethiopia H.E Sasirit Tangulrat and Comm. Lelise Name held a discussion at the commission office today. During the discussion various agendas like Investment opportunity of Ethiopia, increasing Investors of Thailand in Eth. & Manufacturing sector were raised and the Commissioner gave a tour the new EIC renovated office to the Ambassador.

Source: EIC PR Directorate

Saudi Ambassador meetingCommissioner Lelise Neme sat down and held a discussion with Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia H.E Amb. Sami Jamil Abdullah. In the discussion strengthening the two countries Investment relations, Investment potentials of Ethiopia and promoting our Countries investment to Saudi Investors are the agendas raised and also future collaboration works and related matters discussed.

Source: EIC PR Directorate

China minister consular meetingCommissioner Lelise Neme sat down with China’s minister consular for Economic & commercial affairs H.E Mr. Yang Yi hang. During the sit down topics of retaining Chinese investors by improving Business environment, Human resource development and joint investment promotion were raised and discussed in depth.  

Source: EIC PR Directorate