Ethiopia Secures 500 Mil USD from FDI in Three Months

Ethiopia Secures 500 Mil USD from FDI in Three MonthsEthiopia has secured 500 million USD from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the past three months, Commissioner Lelise Neme told journalists.

The foreign companies are mainly engaged in the manufacturing, agriculture, and service sectors, the Commissioner said.

She further stated that the commission has been striving hard to attract more FDI to the country despite the challenges of Covid-19 and instability in some parts of the country.

Ethiopia was also able to ease the impact of COVID-19 on the investment sector by facilitating ways for the companies to engage in other types of products vital to prevent COVID-19, she said.

Several manufacturing companies have now producing face-masks, gloves, and COVDI-19 testing kits that helped the sector to shoulder the impact of the pandemic.

Furthermore, the Investment Commission is working to intensify investments in the newly inaugurated industrial parks.

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